Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Rainy Day

A Day when i cleared out the rubbish of eggs in my mind, and walked out the mighty door.
Actually im going to the dentist check up while Mum and Fi are out to the city.
And for 1/99 times I Hold out the umbrella and fought my way though the day.
I've never taken a Umbrella out before.. So it wasnt that bad.. it turned out prettay good!
..... You'll have no idea how my little adventure with the umbrella can walk pass by...........
I've bumped into my cousin whom my family and their family has problems with.
With a Smile i said hello and had a small talk~
Took my bus... Which was 20 mins late.... After the mighty 40 mins of pain in the Dentist...
I Walked to the video tape place and saw Turple Durple Wurple
A Smile A Wave .. Here Comes Me.......~

Shazo! Notice anything in this piccy?

I've always....
Rainy Days...

Now i really do...
in Miracle...

Cause for the....
1st time.....
in my life............
I Lurved it.. Y

It was a nice day .. bumped into some friends i havent seen for ages.

Certainly was Refreshing to have some good memories coming back.

Lovely lurvly rainy dayee.


WIST said...

wuwuw i cudnt find that love heart font colour in my post!!~

turple lurple yurple?:P

Yenish said...

hahahah!! too hard for u to guess!
Turple Durple Wurple = Tomato drivin wavin ..
.. hoho~ isnt the font Webdings~~..
Turple lurple yurple????????