Friday, April 20, 2007

The Perfect Guy.

... = = ok la~ Was chatting to Salty Yeeyee~
Disgracefully complaining 'Why cant i attract Asians.' Funny stuff ..
Ended up talking about the Average looks we want from our men.
hohoho~~~ it is kinda FUn YEah! .... I told Sian yee ...
About the future men... aiyeee
If he has small eyes ... he needs to have a sharp nose and normal lips.
If he has a beautiful big eyes~ .... sharp nose will do...
If he has a normal eyes... he can have a average lips and nose~
like how amanda says it~ " i want a pretty baby~"
Its true eh~ .. =P i want my baby to accomplished wat i have not!
SHARP NOSE!!!!hohohoho!!! ^0^dreams dreams dreams...~
Well Im pretty short! .. actually SHort =P ~ of cos i wouldnt want my men to be
as short as i am! right? .. eww~ ... at least 10 cm taller than me wuahahahahaha
If my Men is short... my baby would be SHORTER O_O! aiyeee!!! noooooo~~~
ok here comes the dreaming part~ aiyeee.....
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IF only ~~~ if only~~ ... faint faint* ONLY SIAO! sobz* ... still have to say it ~....
I want my men to have this kinda body .. aww~~~ drop dead!
Not SOOO Skinny like someone~ ... Not soo Chubby Fat like someone...
Not SOOO Muscle-ly like someone~....
This is just Purrrrrfect! lol and somemore his a JAP actor~ Hiroshi Tamaki!
Not a Taiwan, Indian, Malay, HK, China, and unlike OSAMA.....
Coughs***** ........ = = " i dono la ......
Reconsider the dude who had a name similar to Shireen's bro lol ! ...
lol Like how Yee says ... I wouldnt want my man to be sweet talkin all da time.
Totally dislike a little too much of Sweet talk~ Honey BUn? SorMui?
lol eh! funny ya~ .. "Hello my Baby puny~ awww~ hows my baby today?"
Far out .. Niama bo Songg ok ... lolXD .. no la~ im not that mean!!
Nor i would want my man to be talkative non-stop... damn annoying.. = = "
lalalalala ... anyway .. Good dreams dont really come true....
But At least we can still dream....=P... better than nothing la!

Eh YEE!!! For some reason! O_O i want one who argues with me too!!
Hi-5 ... i guess this is just the cancers!!! .. wuu~~YYY

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hEh.. wonder life? i didnt watch yEt..too long.. heh i wan watch single movie (单片) one laa..know anymore 单片 movie he acted in?hehehe

BUT..i lik.. i lik i lik i love LOVE LOVEEEE him..okiela i love his er..silly blur face when he smiles oh my gawd melts..okla maybe his teeth abit cacat but i lik la..hahahahahhahahahhaha..