Saturday, February 27, 2010

1 word. Just continue the journey.

No matter how many times i've complained :P ..
hehe i got many answers from how i got throught it.
Some listened until i felt okay again :) thanks
Some just gave some advice and keep me chilled with Chilled pills :) thanks
Some let me type the whole night even thou he's busy and stress about other stuffs :) thanks
Some takes me out for a drink or some exercise :) thanks
My Books lets me write and scribble in them :) thanks
My Chocolates made me felt better :) thanks
I love my family and friends... cos they are the one who made me feel better everytime i had an episode.
not to mention the one who i caused the episode on :) sorry

Who is there for him when im going throught all these emotions?
FatBoy, i will try and learn and be there for u when u feel all these so just let me in and dont be scared.

it is always the two way thing.
i gave so much lectures and my opinions this week that even my own problem appeared.
and i wouldnt let go, its something i have to go throught and i will handle it.
cos he is going throught the exact same thing.... and if he could do it.. i should be able to!
i remember many many many months ago where we have just started.. argued everyday about some particular stuff..
i tot i went back home crying all alone.. and im the only one thats sad...
after few weeks... ppl at he's work place told me how sad he was the whole night...
:( it wasnt just me alone...
Y u b
Y my family
Y my friends

in the end i carried on .. even if it might be hopeless in the end.. but i trust that our love might .. maybe .. who knows? create something? ..
at least we are carrying the same luggage and going to that destination we love.

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